
How To Weigh Your Hair Down

A while dorsum I had suggested to someone seeking advice in a wavy or curly pilus forum that their hair might be weighed down. They responded past request me how they could tell if their waves were weighed down or not.

I immediately realized I should use this as a web log post topic. Information technology was a great question, and i that I would have needed help with early on, as well. I knew the odds were high that this would exist something others would want to know, likewise.

how to tell if your wavy hair is weighed down

Signs That Your Wavy Hair Is Weighed Downward

  • Your roots are flatter than usual
  • Your roots look wet or oily
  • Your roots feel "producty" or sticky.
  • Your waves are limp instead of boisterous.
  • Your hair literally feels heavy.
  • Y'all take less volume than usual.
  • Your waves start lower on your head than usual.
  • Your curl pattern is looser/straighter than it used to exist.

wavy hair that is easily weighed down


How Can I Tell If My Pilus Is Weighed Downwards?

To know if your wavy hair is weighed downward, you need to know how your pilus "normally" looks, feels and acts. Is it flatter, straighter, less voluminous, less bouncy, or heavier feeling than normal? If so, it's likely weighed downwards.

You may have noticed that many of these signs require you to compare to your 'normal'. That'due south role of what is tricky when you are new to embracing naturally wavy pilus. If you haven't paid close attention to your pilus in the by, you may not really know what your normal is. In my case, I idea my hair was direct until I was 26.

When I started wearing my hair wavy, I had nothing to compare it to. If yous curl support to the graphic I included above in this mail, it'south obvious when comparing that the pilus on the right is weighed downward, right? Only what if you but saw that photograph on the correct past itself. It wouldn't be obvious at all, due to having no comparing.

That'due south sort of how it is when yous're make new to embracing your wavy hair, or to paying closer attention to your hair. There isn't whatsoever like shooting fish in a barrel solution to that, unfortunately. Nevertheless, what you tin can do is kickoff to be really mindful of how your pilus looks, acts and feels. This manner, you'll commencement to learn what your normal is, and then will be able to practice comparisons later.

I detect it very helpful to take pictures of my pilus regularly. I didn't practise this when I was new to embracing my wavy hair, but I wish I did. I started it well-nigh a year ago, and was surprised at how much more I could learn about my hair by keeping this visual hair diary.

Beingness able to compare pictures of my hair today to pictures from concluding week, the month before, and 3 months ago, helps me pick up on subtle changes in my hair. For example, I tin easily see how high on my head my waves started at dissimilar times by comparing photos.

Taking annotation of how your hair physically feels is helpful, besides. When I was new, if my hair was sticky or something, I would know that, of course. Things similar whether my hair felt bouncy or limp, was less obvious to me until I started paying really shut attention.

If you're someone who doesn't know your norm correct now, simply kickoff taking pictures and notes of your observations at present. In no fourth dimension, you lot'll go more "in melody" with your hair and information technology will help you greatly with your wavy hair journey.

wavy hair weighed down

What Causes Weighed Down Wavy Pilus?

There can be many potential causes of weighed down waves. Here are some of the common causes:

  1. Heavy products.
  2. Using too many products.
  3. Product build-upward.
  4. Beingness over-moisturized and needing protein.
  5. Water. Yes, h2o!

How To Fix Weighed Down Wavy Hair

To correct weighed down wavy hair, first pinpoint the crusade. If information technology's buildup, utilise a clarifying shampoo. If you've used besides much product or heavy products, wash your pilus and apply lighter products or fewer products next time. If your pilus is over-moisturized, a protein treatment tin correct it.

If water is what weighs you downwardly, changing your techniques volition be needed if you want to resist the weigh-downward. My hair is hands weighed down by water, so I use a multifariousness of techniques to dry my hair faster while preserving their texture. Diffusing gives me a lot more volume than air-drying, and I take a diffusing tutorial blog mail service if yous demand to learn how to diffuse.

I use techniques like plopping, microplopping and dry styling to assist, too. Several of the techniques discussed in my post 13 ways to go more volume with wavy hair are means to avoid water weigh downwardly.

Wavy hair weighed down or not

Products that are unremarkably besides heavy for wavy hair:

A mutual trouble for people with wavy hair is to assume they can use most any product designed for textured pilus or curly hair. Your hair properties and your curl pattern aren't directly correlated.

Still, there are certain hair properties that are more amid in those with wavy hair vs curly. Check out my posts What's The Difference Between Wavy And Curly Hair and How To Modify The Curly Daughter Method For Wavy Hair for more info on this.

Anyway, for about people with wavy pilus, they can't employ products that are very heavy. Some curly hair products are fabricated for really dry hair, which is more commonly found in type 3 and type four pilus than in type 2 hair.

Many people with wavy hair will buy a lot of Shea Moisture or Cantu products considering they are for curly pilus and readily bachelor in most stores. There are exceptions, but many products from these two brands will exist besides heavy for most people with wavy pilus.

Similarly, cowashing can be too heavy for many people with wavy pilus, so many observe that using a sulfate free shampoo works best.

I personally don't use a get out-in conditioner or cream most of the time, as my hair doesn't need the added wet and I am hands weighed down past leave-ins. However, fifty-fifty wavies with dry pilus that needs moisture, may take to exist careful most which go out-ins they use, to avert being weighed downwardly.

Curious near how to determine if the products y'all own are 'heavy' or 'low-cal'? Check out my blog mail service "Why wavy pilus sometimes feels heavy" and scroll to the section

Does weighed-down pilus thing?

Depending on what is weighing your hair down, it may not be "bad" at all. In my opinion, whether weigh-down is 'bad' or not depends on what is causing it.

On this blog I often talk about how I utilize diverse techniques to fight dorsum confronting water weighing my pilus down. This is totally a stylistic preference in my view. I like my curl design to start college on my caput, and I like more volume, which is why I endeavour to fight being weighed downwardly by water. If I didn't take those style preferences, then I could allow my hair air dry.

To some degree, leaving your pilus wet for a long time tin touch your moisture-protein balance by making your hair very moisturized. Though I personally would argue that all kinds of people let their hair airdry all the time and information technology's non a big deal. I personally wouldn't worry virtually water weighing my pilus down if it weren't a stylistic preference.

If you are existence weighed down by things other than water, that's a bit different. There are many benefits to finding products that are the right 'heaviness' for you, so I'd recommend trying to solve the problem if your products are too heavy. Plus, using products that are too heavy will likely make your hair feel greasy faster and just won't feel very good to you physically.

Weigh downward from build-upward can be problematic longterm. If you have bad enough build-up, h2o tin exist blocked from getting into your strands, and your pilus can become dehydrated from the inside out and eventually break off. Of course, this would be in rather astringent situations, but it can happen. So, it's definitely all-time to endeavour to avoid much build-up.

How To Weigh Your Hair Down,


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